SIOE – Stop Islamisation of Europe


Islamic State militants enter Europe on “refugee” boats

If you belong to those people who was convinced for the last few months that the refugee boats from Libya and Syria are full of Islamic State terrorists, then you will know that people will have accused you of having “extreme” views and only seeing Islamic extremism everywhere.


We have written about it a few times here. IS is heading for Italy and WILL come in large numbers to Europe to terrorise our countries. It has nothing to do with an “extreme” opinion but just logical thinking.

As the story finally hits the mainstream news today on BBC it becomes painfully clear that the terrorists are coming. They are saying it to our medias faces even and the leaders of Europe seem to be welcoming them as no serious action is taken against the migrant crisis or IS. We’ll just have to watch whilst the invasion develops. Even more reason to protect our small communities and stick together in order to save our values and children’s future.

Samantha Herron

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Invasion of Europe – Split opinions in the EU as some call for military action against refugee crisis



Military action should probably have been taken a long time ago when the world leaders decided not to intervene in the middle-east to tackle ISIS. The tactics have backfired as more and more refugee migrants are coming cross the Mediterranean to Europe and with them Islamic terrorists and extremists.

Most EU politicians still happily invite more migrants to come over with the plan being to spread them evenly across Europe . This offers extremists and terrorists the perfect opportunity to create a network across Europe even quicker and whilst the European leaders want to believe they are doing something good and humanitarian, they are actually endangering the security of their own countries and people.

Few however are asking for military action to fight the crisis but the plans seems to be stuck before they even developed. Ms Mogherini (EU foreign policy chief) has demanded an “exceptional” response to tackle the crisis using military action.


Ms. Mogherini demands military response

Britain, France, Lithuania and Spain are working with Italy to find a solution backing the plan using military action. These seem to be not enough supporters already though as Russia strongly opposes the proposal of tackling the mass immigration right now with military response saying “this is a step too far”.

Is Russia trying to please a radical Muslim terrorist network? What else could be their motivation to see Europe invaded by terrorists, if not money.

Samantha Herron

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Muslim radicalisation and invasion in our schools

Islamic Radicalisation in our schools has been a topic for a long time. Whether it’s banning pork meat, Peppa Pig comics or promoting Jihad and Sharia laws the list goes on. A hot spot for these problems is Birmingham:


“any headteacher who teaches my children it’s alright to be gay will be at the end of my shotgun’.”

Muslims have been threatening teachers and presenting them with dead pets after they discussed homosexuality with the kids at school. We happen to live in a country where equality is a normal thing and homophobia is not acceptable. There is space for everybody who wants to live peacefully and respects British values. The freedom to be ourselves is gradually being robbed by Muslim extremists who want to enforce Sharia law at school, the most vulnerable of all places.

Our society has worked hard to achieve equality for everybody. Women and men of any background. Islam extremism is taking these values away from us. Children are learning the opposite at school because their extreme school mates tell them it’s wrong to be free and equal. Teachers have to restrict their freedom of speech.

We must not stop teaching our children the values of freedom and equality. We must ban any kind of extremism from our countries. If equality isn’t one of your values, this country may just not be the right place for you.

By Samantha Herron