SIOE – Stop Islamisation of Europe

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SIOE Update

SIOE’s work on facebook:

Since last update we have welcomed the leaders of the new SIOE Norway Merete Hodne + Kjersti Margrethe Adelheid Gilje –  and Antonella Bertelli leader of SIOE Italy, and Michael Stürzenberger the new leader of SIOE Germany.

SIOE demonstration against the islamisation in Oslo, Norway together with Norwegian Defence League 15th December. Meeting place will be announced later. Let’s try to be as many as possible from all over Europe to this great event.

Regarding the media:
It is more and more obvious that the media is not on our side, but siding with islam. It is terrible but true. Not only are they siding with islam they are also deceiving and lying. It is very strange they protect a socalled religion that it in the end will be their executioners. They are cutting over the branch they are sitting on because Islam does not allow ANY free speech.
There is a war raging in the information battle space. All the bullets, bombs and bloodshed come as a resultat of what happends in that war.
We are working at a very extreme disadvantage because of the media, that’s why we now form SIOE’s Media group to take up the battle with the deceptive and lying media.

Listen to SION’s president Pamela Geller what to do about the media:

Join our media group here:

To fight against the islamisation we need money. An organisation without money is like a body without blood. That’s why we now have formed a group that is going to raise funds for SIOE’s work. Are you familiar with this work or do you find this work interesting please join our fundraising group.
SIOE Fundraising group:

We have also decided to make it possible to donate to SIOE or to pay a membership fee
There are two ways to pay membership fee:
From 2 € every month or
an annual payment from 20 €
When you have payed send a mail to and get a membership number.SIOE’s account:

IBAN: DK 91 9860 8890006605

We have also formed a think tank where everybody in the group is welcome to come with good ideas how to make SIOE grow and reverse the islamisation of our countries.
SIOE Think Tank:

To make our actions and demonstrations more organised and get more people to attend we have formed SIOE’s Demo and Action group where we will discuss actions and demo’s, coordinating travels etc.
Join here:

Best regards
Anders Gravers
Leader of SIOE
Member of Presidents council SION
Member of Advisory board SION